INERCO, a success story at Extenda workshops on business opportunities in Brazil

A total of 34 professionals from 28 Andalusian companies participated in the technical workshop ‘Business and investment opportunities in Brazil’, organised by the Ministry of the Economy and Knowledge, through the Extenda-Andalusian Agency of Foreign Promotion, together with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Seville and the Brazil-Spain Chamber of Commerce in Extenda’s headquarters in Seville.
The workshop was attended by the general secretary of the Economy and president of Extenda, Gaspar Llanes, and the ambassador of Brazil in Spain, Antonio Simões, who closed the event, in the organisation of which, the Brazilian Embassy in Spain and the Spanish Export Credit Insurance Company also collaborated.
Through this workshop, the professionals present learned about the current socioeconomic situation in Brazil and the business opportunities that it offers in different activity sectors, as well as the South American country’s growth outlook. During the meeting, therefore, the most appropriate strategies and tools for approaching this market whilst minimising the risks were analysed.
INERCO was one of the Andalusian companies that presented its introduction into Brazil as a success story, alongside Grupo Galia and Acesur. José Antonio Peregrín, International Business Development Manager at INERCO, was in charge of explaining the process of introducing the company in Brazil, from 2014 onwards.
As Peregrín recognises “for INERCO, the presence in Brazil is a strategy for consolidating our international presence and, especially in Latin America, where we have operated for more than 20 years and an area in which we opened our first international headquarters in 2010, in Bogota (Colombia).”
Along with the business experiences, those present attended the talk ‘Business opportunities in Brazil: a few recommendations’, given by the Brazilian Embassy in Spain and the Brazil-Spain Chamber of Commerce.
In addition, they learned how to minimise business and investment risks through the presentation ‘Brazil: evolution of the business risk and prospects. Internationalisation as a driver of business growth’, by CESCE and Banco Santander.
With over 200 million inhabitants, Brazil is one of the most populated countries in the world and it constitutes the ninth world economy based on GDP, which in 2016 reached 1.8 billion dollars. With an enormous development potential, internal forecasts as well as those of international entities record growth recovery.
In this respect, after the last two years in a state of recession, the first two trimesters of 2017 have ended positively and the estimations made indicate that 2017 will be the turning point in the evolution of the Brazilian GDP, with an expected growth for GDP of 0.6% and 2.5% for 2018.