INERCO meets with the General Secretary of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Andalusian Regional Government to promote collaboration with the new Strategic Accelerator Unit

Pedro Marín, General Manager and Patricio Navarro, Business Development Director of INERCO held a working meeting with the General Secretary of Industry, Energy and Mines, Fernando Arauz de Robles, and the Deputy Director of this Secretariat, Miguel Ángel Román, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Finance, Industry and Energy.
This meeting has allowed INERCO to promote its collaboration with the Regional Administration, especially with its new Accelerator Unit for Projects of Strategic Interest -as well as with the new figure of Projects Managers (PM)- focused on speeding up administrative procedures for investment projects of strategic interest, such as industrial projects.
Pedro Marín described INERCO‘s capabilities, knowledge and extensive experience in the management of permits for the start-up of new industrial activities (industrial permitting) both in Spain and in other European and Latin American countries, “an essential know-how for resolving uncertainties and insecurities that investors may encounter in administrative processes and which is clearly in line with this new Accelerator Unit of the Andalusian Regional Government”.
Along these lines, Marín offered the General Secretariat of Industry, Energy and Mines the full collaboration of INERCO with the new figure of the Project Managers (PM) that the Ministry of the Presidency, Public Administration and the Interior will set in motion to articulate the work of the Project Accelerator Unit, “an essential role in this process and one to which our experience can be of great use”. Thus, a technical meeting between the Projects Managers of this unit and the experts in industrial permitting of INERCO is planned to be held soon, a forum for work and sharing of ideas.
“For the industrial sector, the streamlining of procedures and a more fluid relationship with the Administration is key,” says Pedro Marín, “and the joint work with companies from INERCO’s history is of great value in achieving this objective, always with maximum respect for legal guarantees and environmental requirements”.
For his part, Patricio Navarro, highlighted the important role of INERCO in this new stage as a solvent interlocutor capable of speeding up the administrative processes required to obtain authorisations: “Because of our knowledge of the Andalusian territory and the international industrial reality, as well as the multiple references of projects of this nature for strategic sectors”, such as Oil&Gas, chemical, petrochemical, mining, cement or paper since 1984.