INERCO carries out the environmental studies for the approval of the Vodudahue farm’s sustainable agricultural project

The Environmental Assessment Commission of Los Lagos has approved the ‘Vodudahue Master Plan for Sustainable Agricultural Development’ project, through which a mini-power plant of 300 KW will be installed at the end of the Leptepú fiord, Haulaihue commune, Lakes Region. It’s an area defined by the Pumalín Park Master Plan as ‘farms, complementary areas of multiple use and settlerments’, cataloging that requires that the productive operations being carried out do not interfere with the pre-existing activities, considering its vicinity to the park.
Within this framework, the project proposes the implementation of this small transient plant, which would supply electricity to Vodudahue Farm, based on NCRE, replacing the current electric generation system based on a diesel generator set, allowing CO2 emissions to be reduced by about 5.5 ton/year, in addition to reducing NOx and SOx emissions.
This project aims to improve the productive and environmental performance of the agricultural land making up the farm, beginning with the substitution of fossil energy sources and making the sector a sustainable development model. Apart from meeting the energy demands of the farm, this project will meet other goals, including its contribution to the diversification of the regional energy matrix.
A small-scale livestock slaughter unit will be installed on the farm for the organic production of meat products, charcuterie and others to be exported.