INERCO Colombia opens new offices in Bogotá

INERCO has opened its new offices in Bogotá, located at the crossroads of calle 116 and Carrera 19, in one of the most important business and commercial areas of the city.
With almost 1,000 m2, these new branches will accommodate over 150 professionals from INERCO Colombia in their different work areas and even an Archaeology Laboratory for the projects that are carried out.
The president of INERCO, professor Vicente Cortés, participated in the inauguration ceremony of these modern branches, in which institutional representatives and representatives from companies that operate in Colombia also participated.
Throughout his involvement, Vicente Cortés highlighted the qualitative jump that these new INERCO installations in Bogotá entail, that reinforce the capabilities of the company which has been in this country for over two decades. Along these lines, he thanks the involvement and effort of the human team that makes up INERCO Colombia “who have made us a leading consulting company in the environment, social management, workplace risks and industrial safety -HSEC- thanks to the confidence that we generate in our clients. And that confidence is generated by all of you with your hard work”.
Gabriel Medina, founding partner and Technical Manager of INERCO Colombia, took the opportunity at this ceremony to take a look back and go over the trajectory of this company, from its beginnings -as Ambiental Consultores- to its incorporation into the INERCO group (in 2010), with a marked commitment to sustainable development for industry and infrastructures in Colombia, “commitment that is still present in our day-to-day.”
Francisco J. Hoces, director of Consulting at INERCO, took the opportunity during his speech to highlight INERCO’s role as strategic partner for many of the large industrial corporations that operate in Latin America, “that make the most of our know-how and experience in the implementation and integration of environmental and energy technologies, or in consultancy in safety, prevention and the environment.” “Our knowledge of the local reality is also an added value that INERCO brings to the table in all the sectors in which we operate,” highlighted Hoces—Moral.
INERCO, a partner for the Colombian industrial sector
INERCO Colombia has worked for over two decades for the oil&gas, mining, electricity and gas, chemical and petrochemical, infrastructures, agro-food, steel, aeronautical and automotive, cement, ports and public bodies sectors.
Laura Fernández, manager of INERCO Colombia wanted to pay tribute to the team of professionals that she manages, “who have demonstrated their value and commitment in the last few years, delivering major projects with high liquidity and professionalism.” In this respect, she also mentioned the significant support for INERCO Colombia provided by the technical capacity and international experience of the INERCO Group, “with over 30 years of experience and projects in 70 countries on four continents, a reinforcement of the abilities that we already have and offer in Colombia, which endows us with a global vision and presence.”