INERCO has developed the Study of Air Quality Assessment for the City Council of Seville regarding the environmental status in the city. This important document takes the place of Air Quality Improvement Plan for the Seville Metropolitan Area —in which INERCO took control of the analysis of the PM 10 and PM 2.5—, a first step in which they have assessed the situation with the data from 2010–2016. They have analysed the value of the provided measures in this document and have added others, hence, the modelling of the expected results through the use of more advanced software.
La The Environmental Division of INERCO has been in charge of analysing all the data extracted over the last seven years from the air quality control stations distributed throughout the city, and it has demonstrated a direct impact of the provided measures on overall improvement of air quality in Seville at that time.
Because of this, proposals such as the promotion of public transport, non-motor transport, measures to discourage private car use or the improvement of infrastructures, among others, have demonstrated their value in improving air quality indexes in Seville.
The final document also included a modelling of the expected results for the fulfilment of the proposed objectives, a situation which, if achieved, would cause a reduction of great significance in Seville.
This study incorporates into the Plan of Action for Sustainable Energy and Climate (PACES), the document in response to international involvement signed by Seville in the framework of Covenant of Mayors against climate change (COP21 of Paris). It also complies with the Agenda 21 Region of Seville (in which INERCO provided the revision of Sustainability Diagnosis and the Indicator System -in 2014-) and the future planning for the consideration of Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) of the UN.
This type of technical project regarding air quality reinforces the experience of INERCO in the environmental consultancy chapter, not only concerning the industrial sector, but also in Administration, in adaptation processes to the existing regulations and to international agreements, in Spain as well as other countries in Europe and Latin America.