Since 2011, INERCO has been preparing the environmental instruments of the seven plants of the Union of Peruvian Breweries Backus and Johnston and the San Juan Brewery, the largest distributor in Peru. This important work covers the different instruments of environmental management, such as the Preliminary Environmental Diagnosis, the Environmental Impact Statement and the Environmental Impact Assessment in the period 2010—2016, in accordance with Supreme Decree no. 019-97-ITINCI.
Currently, INERCO has added to its environmental services for these clients the development of the Supplementary Technical Report, the Preliminary Assessment, the Semi-detailed Environmental Impact Assessment and the Declaration of Environmental Adaption in the period 2017—2019, in accordance with D.S. no. 017-2015.
Additionally, INERCO provides the Union of Peruvian Breweries Backus and Johnston and the San Juan Brewery with a comprehensive consulting service in accordance with the needs of each plant, such as Dumping Authorisation for natural receiving bodies of water and Effluents Assessment, in accordance with Supreme Decree no. 015-2015 MINAM; Progress Performance Reports; Certificate of Inexistence of Archaeological Remains; Archaeological Monitoring Plan with excavations; Closure plans or Records of Sanitary Authorisation and Septic Tanks, among others.
Environmental monitoring for brewing plants in Peru.
The Union of Peruvian Breweries Backus and Johnston and the San Juan Brewery assigned to INERCO the execution of the Annual Environmental Monitoring for the period 2011 to 2013 for the Lima Malting Plant and for its seven plants for the period 2013—2014. Currently, INERCO executes the Environmental Monitoring service for the period 2016—2017 for the seven plants, activities which are part of the framework of its Environmental Monitoring Programme.
The Backus plants are made up of:
- Ate Plant, in the district of Ate, Lima province and region,
- Malting Plant, in the district of Chaclacayo, Lima province and region,
- Huarochirí Plant, in the district of San Mateo de Huanchor, Huarochirí province, Lima region,
- Cusco Plant, in the Cusco district, province and region.
- Arequipa Plant, in the Arequipa district, province and region.
- Motupe Plant, in the Motupe district, Lambayeque province and region.
- San Juan Plant, in the Yarinacocha district, Coronel Portillo province, Ucayali region.