2 end of degree projects were awarded at the 13th edition of the INERCO professorship awards for the Technical School of Engineers of Seville

The INERCO professorship awarded the annual prizes for the best End of Degree and Master’s works in its thirteenth edition. The event had took place at the School of Engineering of Seville (ETSI), announced the winners of the 2019 edition, whom received their awards from Luis Cañadas, INERCO’s Corporate Director of Innovation.
The first prize went to María del Carmen Gómez Pariente, for the project “Applications of satellite earth observation in the environmental assessment of the mining industry”. Her study, which focused on the booming mining sector, received the highest score from the Chair’s jury, made up of ETSI professors and members of INERCO‘s management team, which earned her first prize of 2,000 euros.
The second prize of the 2020 INERCO Chair was awarded to the project “Strategic Environmental Assessment of a Modal Change in Transport on the Island of Tenerife”, of which Santiago Alonso Segovia is the author. This work, which was awarded a prize of 1,000 euros, examines an ecosystem of special relevance such as the Canary Islands and a key area of INERCO‘s services, such as environmental consultancy.
The director of the INERCO Chair, Juan Santos, highlighted the high level of the projects presented this year, as well as the important innovative aspect of the winners, “with projects that demonstrate the excellent qualification and vision of their authors, who are responding to current needs in key industrial sectors.
The INERCO Chair aims to promote teaching and interdisciplinary research activities that address the reality of the industry in relation to the environment, safety, sustainable development and related technologies, taking charge of developing a training programme and research tasks that contribute to improving the training of ETSI students in these subjects.
Among other activities, the INERCO Chair includes:
- The carrying out of activities related to teaching, research and the dissemination of the industrial reality in relation to sustainable development.
- The promotion, execution and management of Final Projects.
- The holding of seminars and conferences.
- The preparation of teaching materials related to the above-mentioned field.
- The granting of scholarships and grants.
- The announcement of a prize for the best Final Project whose subject matter is related to the objectives of the Chair.
- Collaboration with other similar chairs at the ETSI and the University of Seville and other national or foreign universities.