VIRA GAS supports the project of the shipping company Suardiaz for the electrical supply of ships from the Port of Tenerife

VIRA GAS -a technological company participated by ENAGÁS and INERCO – have been working on the measurement of emissions, review of absence of fugitive emissions of organic compounds, data treatment and generation of reports for the shipping company Suardiaz, within the project of delivery of the generator equipment for electrical supply to ships installed in the Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Our technicians have participated in the inaugural ceremony of this pilot facility, one of the three existing in Spain for the supply of electricity to a ship from the dock – next to Barcelona and Vigo – from an engine powered by natural gas, which promotes a more sustainable and environmentally friendly port traffic.
This bet for a more sustainable port traffic -included within the scope of the CORE LNGas hive project- has counted on the work of VIRA GAS in the chapter related to the revision of emission guarantees associated to the generation unit, which is in charge of providing the necessary energy to the ships in ports, to allow their auxiliary engines to not be in operation.
The work of measuring channelled and fugitive emissions has generated specific data to determine the exact reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) that this technological venture in the Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife will save, in comparison with the data obtained in other ports.