Corporate articles and news

INERCO joins Cre100DO programme companies
INERCO has joined the Cre100DO programme, an initiative launched by the Bankinter Innovation Foundation, ICEX and the Círculo de Empresarios to contribute to the evolution of Spain’s production model towards a model based on more innovative, competitive and internationalised companies with more added value. A total of 20 new

INERCO’S inernational experience in the oil&gas sector in Latin America
Latin America is one of INERCO’s key destinations. With more than 30 years’ international experience in the fields of engineering, energy technology and consulting in industrial safety, occupational health and safety and the environment, the company’s active presence in Latin America includes not only one-off projects in sectors including oil&gas,

INERCO President Prof. Vicente Cortés Shares his view of climate change in canal Sur TV
INERCO president Prof. Vicente Cortés, took centre stage during the interview segment of the Canal Sur Televisión “Buenos días Andalucía” programme. His appearance was motivated by the workshop “Carbon capture and storage. Climate change mitigation: Making progress in challenging times”, organised by the Seville Higher Technical School of Engineering.

INERCO sponsoring euCheMS, the European chemistry conference
Spain will for the first time host the EuCheMS congress, the most important chemistry event in Europe, which will bring together worldwide experts in the field to debate the latest developments, innovations and the future of the sector. This 6th EuCheMS Congress is to be held from 11 to 16

The association industrial engineers of Andalusia Recognises INERCO’S founders for their services to the development of engineering
The Official Association of Industrial Engineers of Western Andalusia (COIIA for its Spanish abbreviation) has awarded Luis Salvador and Vicente Cortés, the founders of INERCO, with the honourable mention for the Development of Engineering in Andalusia. The award is a recognition of the work done by INERCO’s president (Salvador) and

INERCO closes 2015 with a turnover of 52.8 Million Euros, up 4 per cent from 2014
INERCO ended 2015 with a turnover of 52.8 million euros, a four per cent rise compared to 2014. These figures represent earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of 5 million euros, a growth of 14 per cent since 2014. According to INERCO’s chief executive José González Jiménez, this improvement in

Institutional meeting between INERCO and the andalusian regional government´s minister for the environment, José Fiscal
INERCO’s president, Vicente Cortés, general director, Pedro Marín, and the director of the company’s Environment division, Esther Valdivia, recently met with José Fiscal, the Regional Minister for the Environment of the Andalusian regional government. The visit, institutional in nature, enabled the minister to gain first-hand knowledge of INERCO’s lines of

INERCO on “Fábrica de Ideas” (“Ideas Factory”) on
INERCO took centre stage on Saturday 28 November on the programme Fábrica de Ideas (“Ideas Factory”) on Televisión Española (TVE) La 2. The show’s crew visited INERCO’s headquarters in the La Cartuja Science and Technology Park in Seville, where the were shown a bit about the company’s development under the

New appointments at INERCO
INERCO STRENGTHENS ITS CAPACITIES WITH THE APPOINTMENT OF LUIS CAÑADAS SERRANO AS DIRECTOR OF INNOVATION AND LUIS SALVADOR CAMACHO AS HEAD OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT INERCO has recently reinforced its corporate structure with a clear commitment to boosting innovation and operations, two key thrusts of the development the group has undergone

INERCO turnover grows 40% in
INERCO INCREASES ITS TURNOVER BY 40% IN 2014, INVOICING 50.8 MILLION EUROS INERCO ended 2014 with its turnover up 40% on the previous year, translated into income of 50.8 million euros (36.4 million in 2013) and a gross operating profit (Ebitda) of 3.6 million euros. These figures are the result