Gran Tierra Energy recognises INERCO Colombia as KeyPartners 2017

Gran Tierra Energy has recognised the work of INERCO Consultoría Colombia as an excellent provider in the technical, administrative Safety, Environmental and Social field (HSEC) during the services provided during the archaeological survey work in the PUT 7 oil block in the department of Putumayo.
Specifically, the work carried out in the towns of Puerto Asís and El Valle del Guamuez, in which the Columbian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH) carried out, in record time, the archaeological recovery for the construction of the platform, its access route and the zodme (excavation materials disposal zone) for the Cumplidor project, located between the La Manuela and La Esmeralda paths, in the jurisdiction of the town of Puerto Asís.
Therefore, Gran Tierra wishes to highlight the work carried out by INERCO Consultoría Colombia with this acknowledgement as KeyPartners of 2017, an award that, as the manager of INERCO Consultoría Colombia, Laura Fernández Baco recognises, “demonstrates the worth of our team of highly qualified professionals and our working method, which has been key for the achievement of the objectives planned byGran Tierra, one of the benchmark operators in the oil & gas sector in Latin America.”