INERCO, a pioneer in the study of classification of areas with a risk of explosion for the food sector in Mexico

INERCO has carried out a pioneering study on safety in environments with a risk of explosion in the Mexican food industry. Specifically, a study for the classification of areas, assessment of the risks of explosion and drawing up of a document of protection against explosions was executed for the installations of an important multinational company in the beverage industry.
The field work, carried out by technicians from the INERCO Risk Prevention Division, focused on the compiling of the information and data required for the execution of the study, as well as for the evaluation in situ of the generating sources of explosive atmospheres and the evaluation of the electrical equipment in line with the characteristics of the areas included.
This data compilation has been the basis for the complete Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX) report drawn up by INERCO for this multinational company. In fact, the evaluation of the areas combined with that of the electrical equipment within their radius of action has been key for decision making for investments and purchases of new equipment with the required protection characteristics that prevent possible accidents due to explosive atmospheres.
For Sara Landon, general manager of INERCO Consulting Mexico, “this technical project is a major milestone in the field of safety and risk prevention in Mexico,” a country that still does not have mandatory legislation in this field, “therefore companies do not usually have this document which is essential not only from the point of view of safety but also planning for future projects.”