INERCO breaks down the keys to self-protection and emergency planning in a webinar

INERCO conducted the webinar on self-protection and emergency planning, a key area within the Industrial Safety of a facility and which has been given by Carolina Sánchez, Head of the Protection and Emergency Planning Area of the Industrial Safety Division of INERCO.
This new webinar on Security by INERCO experts allows us to delve into key aspects such as the fundamentals of self-protection and emergency planning, the most efficient tools for emergency planning as well as the necessary digitization of self-protection to achieve our goals.
Throughout the talk, which was attended by an important number of representatives of the Spanish and Latin American industrial sector, the key elements that guarantee self-protection and ensure correct emergency planning were addressed, as well as the regulations applicable to the Self-Protection Plans (SEVESO and the Basic Self-Protection Standard) and advanced digitization tools for incident management.
For Carolina Sánchez, it is necessary to know the risks and emergency situations that we may face in an industrial process, “so planning allows us not only to anticipate this emergency, but also to have the appropriate means, have the actions and responsibilities assigned previously and guarantee an automated response to minimize the consequences in the event that the emergency materializes and, of course, comply with current legal regulations”.