INERCO advises the Andalusian Regional Government in its process of analyzing regional environmental legislation in order to speed up environmental procedures

INERCO has developed a specialized technical assistance service for the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Andalusian Regional Government, focusing on the comparative analysis of its Environmental Assessment legislation with respect to its national counterpart, with a view to optimizing its established procedures and maintaining its high standards of quality and environmental protection.
The Andalusian Regional Administration, with the aim of increasing the efficiency and agility of current environmental procedures, has considered this important legislation as a key element in the process of promoting the economy and encouraging the arrival of new industrial activities, for which it has relied on INERCO’s experience in analyzing the preferential areas of action. The aim is to encourage structural reforms and facilitate productive activity for entrepreneurs and companies, simplifying procedures and reducing administrative burdens, while at the same time guaranteeing due protection of the environment.
In this regard, the technical team of INERCO’s Environmental Division has carried out a comparative study of the Autonomous Community’s Environmental Assessment legislation (Law 7/2007, of 9 July, on Integrated Environmental Quality Management in Andalusia -GICA-), and the national environmental assessment legislation (Law 21/2013, of 9 December, on environmental assessment), both applicable to the authorization of new industrial projects. The advice provided by INERCO has also included analysis of the environmental prevention and control procedures for new industrial projects, a key part of this process.
The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development in formed the Governing Council differences found between Andalusia’s environmental legislation and national regulations on environmental assessment as a result of the analysis carried out by INERCO.
INERCO’s experience of more than 30 years in managing permits for the start-up or modification of industrial activities (environmental and industrial permitting), both in Spain and in other countries, has provided the necessary perspective to further improve the processes established in this legislation, processes which will continue to maintain their excellence in terms of the quality standards established in Andalusia but which can be simplified technically or administratively.
With this type of technical advice service at the highest level, INERCO confirms its position as an allied agent for economic and productive reactivation in Andalusia, where the different projects and environmental procedures carried out by our professionals in recent decades endorse the value of our work, which is focused on sustainable industrial development, with examples not only in Spain but in more than 70 countries on four continents.