INERCO carries out Environmental Studies for the road project Puerta de Hierro — Palmar de Varela and Carreto — Cruz de Viso’

INERCO has carried out the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) corresponding to the El Carmen de Bolívar by-pass, a road that is part of the road project ‘Puerta de Hierro – Palmar de Varela and Carreto -Cruz de Viso’, awarded to the Concessionary Road Company Montes de María SAS (Sacyr Concesiones Colombia). This company is responsible for the funding, drafting of studies and definitive designs, social and environmental management, real estate, construction, improvement, operation and maintenance of this corridor, located in the departments of Bolívar, Sucre and Atlántico, in the north of Colombia.
Specifically, the work by INERCO has focussed on the drafting of the corresponding Impact Study to obtain the Environmental License for the Construction of the El Carmen de Bolívar by-pass.
In addition, INERCO’s environmental experts in Colombia have also developed the Environmental Guide Adaptation Programme (EGAP) for the sections of functional units 1, 2 and 3 undergoing improvement. They have also executed the environmental studies to obtain the environmental licenses in the framework of EGAP’s work (riverbed occupations, national and regional ban lifting, forestry use, atmospheric emissions, viability of ZODME (excavation materials disposal zone) areas, dumping).
For Laura Fernández Baco, General Manager of INERCO Colombia, this project endorses INERCO’s position as a leading environmental consulting company in the Colombian road sector, “as demonstrated by the numerous projects carried out over the last few years for the Vías 4G (Colombian roads), an essential experience to guarantee the viability of the whole initiative.”