INERCO carries out the first integral climate change management plan of the mining and energy sectors in Colombia

INERCO Consultoría Colombia, in collaboration with the National University of Colombia, has carried out for the Ministry of Mining and Energy (MME) the first Integral Climate change Management and Climate variability Plan (PIGCC) on a national level for the hydrocarbon, large-scale coal mining and electrical energy sectors. This document has become one of the main support tools for the sector in decision-making in the elements of mitigation and adaptation in climate change scenarios and climate variability.
The PIGCC seeks to integrally strengthen the institutional, technical, management and knowledge capacities of the sector in order to tackle early the commitments and risks derived from climate change and climate variability, making them an opportunity for the innovation and improvement of sectoral competitiveness.
For the creation of this Plan, the combined work of INERCO and the National University of Colombia has formed an innovative methodology that includes topics related to energy generation, management of energy demand and efficiency, fugitive emissions, environmental compensations and a Monitoring, Report and Verification System (MRV) of Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) within the mitigation element and the sectoral plans of adaptation of the energy mining sector.
As part of the project and with the purpose of generating a discussion space, participative awareness workshops were carried out aimed at strategic actors in which renowned companies in the public and private sector as well as associations from the electrical energy, hydrocarbon and large-scale coal mining sectors participated such as the Colombian Association of Electrical Energy Generators (Acolgen), the National Association of Generator Companies (Andeg), the Colombian Oil Association (ACP), the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH), and the National Association of Business Owners of Colombia (ANDI).