INERCO, certified control body for serious accidents

The entry into force of Royal Decree 840/2015, on measures to control the risk of serious accidents involving hazardous substances, reinforces the obligations binding affected plants in the areas of documentary evaluation, inspections and control/surveillance by the competent authority.
The main obligations include the following:
- Evaluating the safety report
- Performing inspections: Higher tier – once per year; lower tier – once per three years (new requirement).
- Undergoing a new inspection after 6 months in the event of serious non-compliance (new requirement).
- Performing non-routine inspections in the event of serious complaints, serious accidents or near misses, incident and occurrences of non-compliance (strengthened requirement).
- In order to carry out documentary assessment and inspections, the competent body of the Autonomous Community may request the collaboration of certified control bodies. INERCO Inspección y Control SAU has been a certified control body for major accidents at the national level since 2003. Through this, we have extensive experience throughout Spain and in different production sectors, responding to the needs of owners of establishments in preventing major accidents.
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