INERCO Colombia develops a climate risk analysis methodology for Asobancaria

INERCO Colombia has presented its self-developed methodology for the preliminary assessment of risks due to climate change in the process of studying the road infrastructure project financing.
This new project, which is the responsibility of INERCO Colombia’s Sustainability team, has focused on building a manual for financial institutions, which includes setting parameters or technical criteria for assessing the climate change risk in financing road infrastructure projects in Colombia.
INERCO’s representatives – José Alejandro Bernal Mejía, Jully Tatiana Bermúdez Bernal and Harold Maya Ojeda – thoroughly broke down this procedure, which is key to compliance with the environmental chapter in an essential development area in recent years in Colombia, such as improving and optimising the national road network.
This action by INERCO, which has a marked environmental character, has been developed for Asobancaria, the association that brings together Colombian banks. The presentation was also attended by the members of the Working Group of Asobancaria’s Transport Sector Financial Innovation Pilot, which is composed of representatives of banks and public institutions in the transport (ANI, Ministry of Transport) and environmental sector (the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development and the National Environmental Licenses Authority).