INERCO forespro renews training in its incident management system at Elix Polymers

INERCO Forespro has imparted a new incident management training course for control panels at the company Elix Polymers at its facilities in Tarragona. In 2014, INERCO Forespro began implementing the Incident Management System (SGI, for its Spanish initials), a model that allows for the efficient management of incidents and includes as standard a combination of facilities, personal equipment, procedures and communications. All of this is covered by a common organisational structure exclusively designed by INERCO Forespro to facilitate effective action against any type of incident.
INERCO Forespro’s qualified personnel have given refresher courses, courses for executive staff and SGI orientation courses for staff involved in emergencies.
Through this, Elix Polymers benefited from INERCO Forespro’s expertise to develop and participate in a general emergency drill and to develop standardised operating guides (GOEs, for the Spanish initials), which are essential in facilitating the intervention of personnel and coordination with external bodies in the most important operations-level risk scenarios.
INERCO Forespro has expertise in the design and development of the Incident Management System (SGI), an efficient, coordinated response to any type of incident, based not only on the instruction and training of intervening personnel, but also on the coordination of teams’ work and interrelationships, even when they belong to different organisations.
This SGI protocol is a response to standard ISO 22320 on Emergency Management: Requirements for Incident Response, and is intended to serve as a guide to facilities, organisations and authorities for safeguarding lives, mitigating damage and ensuring the continuity of basic services for health, such as food supply, energy and fuel service and emergency rescue services.
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