INERCO is responsible for important Environmental Impact Studies for the energy sectors in Mexico

INERCO refines its position in Mexico as an allied environmental consultancy for the implementation of important energy sector projects in the country.
Specifically, INERCO has taken charge of the Social Assessment study, Modification of the Environmental Impact Manifesto Regional modality for the future Pinos photovoltaic plant promoted by Energía Aljaval. This 297 MW plant will be located in the municipality of Pinos (Zacatecas State).
Likewise, it developed the Environmental Impact Study for the authorization of the photovoltaic project promoted by FP Proyectos de Energía Renovable de México S. de R.L. de C.V. in the town of Hopelchén (Campeche State). This solar farm will have a nominal capacity of 9.9 MW.
For Sara Ladon, Manager of INERCO Mexico, INERCO’s experience in the field of environmental consulting for large energy operators in Europe and Latin America is key for this type of project, “which allows us to have not only multiple references but highly qualified personnel. qualified and the global vision that confer us more than three decades of work not only for energy operators, but also for the mining, oil & gas, chemical or petrochemical sector”, among others.