INERCO presents its advanced solutions in Industrial Water Treatment and the control of noise and vibrations in the Automotive Provider Forum in Guanajuato (Mexico)

INERCO’s technology of water treatment and noise control and reduction was present in the fourth Automotive Provider Forum, held in Guanajuato (Mexico) between 11 and 12 October 2017.
Over 300 subsidiary industries from the important Mexican automotive sector participated in this meeting, which allowed the ties of collaboration between companies to be strengthened in an industry that constitutes 80 per cent of Mexican exports and has a turnover in manufacturing of 17,000 dollars per annum.
INERCO presented its technological solutions within the area of industrial water treatment, as well as in the control and reduction of noise and vibrations. Important projects spread across more than 60 countries all over the world endorse INERCO’S experience of more than three decades in these fields, in which it has implemented its own know-how, a proven guarantee of success.
For Antonio Copado, INERCO’S advanced technology in the fields of water treatment and the control of noise and vibrations are a tool of proven worth in the international automotive sector, “with examples already in use in Europe and Latin America.”