INERCO responsible for health and safety during

INERCO participated in the 2015 scheduled downtime of the ASFALTOS ESPAÑOLES, S.A. (ASESA) asphalt refinery in February and March 2015, providing health and safety support tasks. A resident technician was present on site to carry out the duties of Health & Safety coordinator and Business Services coordinator.
In accordance with the legislation in force (Laws 31/1995 and 54/2003 and Royal Decrees 39/1997, 1627/1997, 1215/1997, 17/2004 and 2177/2004) and the procedures, instructions and ASESA documentation these activities, the work carried out was marked by the presence of a technician on site (for approximately 75% of the total period of the work) without prejudice to the clerical work involved.
INERCO’s duties and tasks were:
- To safeguard compliance with the legislation in force and to comply and make comply with the provisions of the ASESA Risk Prevention Manual, which in point NOG-920 highlights:
- Coordinating business activities. Safety for contracted companies.
- Studying ASESA health and safety procedures and documentation prepared during the first phase of work.
- Verifying and reviewing working conditions in the field and supervising workers’ tasks (both main contractors and subcontractors).
- Collaborating with ASESA in the coordination of its contractors and subcontractors.
- Supervising critical tasks and operations.
- Verifying the correct use of personal protective equipment.
- Through the CTAIMACAE IT portal, collaborating in the control and validation of legal documentation submitted for contractors, vehicles and workers for access to the plant during the downtime works (risk assessments, prevention plan, training, records, medical check-ups, etc.).
- Attending daily downtime coordination meetings held between ASESA and contractors for the necessary performance of the work.
- Collaborating in the correct performance of the plant evacuation drill, run on 20 February.
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