INERCO’S specialised emissions and process characterisation services

INERCO offers specialised services to test the guarantees, start-up and optimisation of industrial equipment and facilities at the level of characterising emissions and parameters related to the process. These make it possible to check contractual guarantees and even to optimise the related process. These checks are essential in ensuring that emissions and process parameters are within the specifications established in the contract and facilitating significant improvement to operations and process efficiency.
INERCO has extensive experience in emissions characterisation to check contractual emissions guarantees in tests to optimise boilers, furnaces, gas and particulate purification systems, process current distribution and internal combustion engines. In these fields, INERCO has worked with important companies from various sectors and has also worked directly with technology manufacturers, such as Endesa in various locations in Spain and with MAN Diesel & Turbo in the Maldives, the Azores (Portugal), Ecuador and El Salvador.
INERCO’s team has the experience and the technical skills to develop pre-measurement protocols for approval by all parties involved. The team applies the approved sequence and takes the necessary measurements and data. Samples are tested at the company’s own Testing Laboratory, accredited in line with the ISO/IEC 17025 standard and a final report is issued with the findings and the proposed actions. For optimisation testing, these recommendations may be delivered directly on site during the execution of the works.
INERCO has more than 30 years’ experience in the field of industrial process and emissions characterisation, with an integrated service adapted to each client’s needs. Among other sectors, the company has clients from the thermal electric, oil&gas, iron and steel, chemicals, paper, mining and cement sectors and the R&D departments of various large companies.
The diverse measurement possibilities of all types of tests and our high degree of specialisation make INERCO a leader for industrial processes in this field.
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