INERCO carries out the environmental studies for the approval of the Vodudahue farm’s sustainable agricultural project
The Environmental Assessment Commission of Los Lagos has approved the ‘Vodudahue Master Plan for Sustainable Agricultural Development’ project, through which a mini-power plant of 300 KW will be installed at the end of the Leptepú fiord, Haulaihue commune, Lakes Region. It’s an area defined by the Pumalín Park Master Plan
INERCO draws up the environmental impact statement for the Caspiche mining project in the Atacama Region
The Environmental Assessment Service of the Atacama Region accepted the processing of the Environmental Impact Declaration (EID) prepared by INERCO for the Caspiche mining exploration, which, together with the neighboring Cerro Casale Project, is one of the largest gold and copper veins of the untapped world. The project, run by

INERCO conducts the environmental studies to obtain the required administrative approval in the Pampa Camarones mining project, in the north of Chile
INERCO is the consultancy firm commissioned to conduct the environmental studies and to draw up reports and process the relevant permits to obtain the required environmental approval in the Pampa Camarones mining project, aimed at optimising and updating its processes and facilities, located in the Arica and Parinacota Region, in

INERCO, the leading environmental advisor for hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in Chile
INERCO has participated in the environmental section of the hydraulic fracturing project for four wells and three multi-wells managed by ENAP, located at the Arenal Block in the Magallanes Region, near the city of Punta Arenas. Specifically, these wells are located in PAD Punta Piedra Oeste ZG-1 (4 wells), PAD

INERCO Chile presents an innovative risk management solution using a mobile app: eFinding
Operational optimisation is based on analysis and data recorded on site to enable the identification of faults in order to establish corrective solutions. One of the main problems in this field is the time that passes between data collection in the field and the transfer of the information to the

INERCO presents advanced environmental solutions for the development of wind farms
On 29 September, INERCO held the seminar “Wind farms: Key considerations for social management and environmental assessment”. The event was an opportunity for in-depth discussion of technical solutions to the challenges facing this important sector in Chile. The event, organised by INERCO, was attended by more than 80 professionals from

INERCO Consultoría Chile, an experienced partner in your renewable energy project in Chile
Chile is becoming one of the most attractive markets in Latin America in the field of renewable energy, with a clear target for 2025: reaching 20% of national electricity production. Solar, wind and hydro energy generation projects have made the Chilean market one of the most interesting for companies in