INERCO participated in the last edition of MIREC Week, Mexico’s renewable energy congress and one of the most important in Latin America, where INERCO presented its services regarding Consulting of Health, Safety, Environment and Community Management (HSEC). Francisco Hoces, Director of the Consulting of INERCO Group, explained to potential photovoltaic

INERCO analyses challenges and progress of business and institutional management in Colombia with respect to the Paris agreement
On 14 September, INERCO Colombia held the sixth edition of the HSEC technical conference 2016, with the participation of important representatives of national and international public and private bodies. The event, divided into three blocks, presented the “Challenges and progress for business and institutional management in Colombia in relation to

INERCO Colombia analyses new regulation on waste disposal in urban settings
INERCO Colombia held a working breakfast to contextualise the applicability of the Waste disposal in urban settings regulation, targeting companies in the industrial, commercial and service sectors, such as pharmacology, cosmetics, textiles, food, major retail, hydrocarbons and health. The event, held alongside INERCO’s regular technical conferences in Colombia, was attended

INERCO Consultoría Colombia technical conferences, HSEC debate forum
In September, INERCO Consultoría Colombia held the fifth edition of its technical conferences, addressing “Environmental and social control and surveillance in workplace health and safety in companies”. These Health Safety Environment and Community (HSEC) technical conferences took place in a space for conceptual discussion with high-level guests representing companies from

Adaptation of HSE resources to the new reality os the Colombian oil sector with INERCO
Times are changing in the oil&gas industry, which is undergoing a significant readjustment due to the fall in the price per barrel of crude oil. This situation has brought about the obligation to reduce production costs, the freezing of large strategic projects, and even job losses… But crisis is always

Environmenta Environmental and risk management in unconventional hydrocarbon production (Fracking) in Colombia
The Colombian oil&gas sector is undergoing major changes in terms of extraction techniques, which have brought about new opportunities and necessary qualification in addressing these projects. This is the case of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), a method which has transformed the world map of large oil-producing powers and opened up new