Environmenta Environmental and risk management in unconventional hydrocarbon production (Fracking) in Colombia

The Colombian oil&gas sector is undergoing major changes in terms of extraction techniques, which have brought about new opportunities and necessary qualification in addressing these projects. This is the case of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), a method which has transformed the world map of large oil-producing powers and opened up new possibilities.
Colombia is looking at an excellent opportunity for development and wealth generation, although it must take into account various key factors and a synthesis of experience of the reality of the local situation and international technical support.
The ACON-INERCO Group specialises in overall consultancy for energy projects, with special interest in health, safety and environment (HSE). Our more than 20 years’ experience in the field of sustainability and the environment in Colombia are the best guarantee for this kind of initiative, which requires a specialised technical profile and in-depth knowledge of the regulatory framework.
The work and technology involved in industrial safety and occupational health require a team of highly qualified professionals. Taking into account the novelty of this technology, the training and specialisation of staff in this latest-generation technology requires the best experts.
In the context of fracking, the social component is also of great importance. The ACON-INERCO Group’s work here centres around the detailed planning of the project, which requires deep understanding of the reality of the Colombian situation. Our past work represents added value here, with specific studies carried out over the last 20 years and a special interest in the hydrocarbons, petrochemicals, upstream and downstream sectors for leading worldwide experts.
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