INERCO received the meeting of the Permanent Committee of FEIQUE and the working lunch with the Director Juan Bravo at its headquarters
The Standing Committee of Feique (Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry) held its meeting on May 10 at the INERCO headquarters in Seville. In addition to Feique’s own agenda, the members of the Permanent Committee (https://www.feique.org/estructura) had the opportunity to learn about INERCO‘s extensive experience in solutions in the

INERCO and ORBITAL EOS signed a strategic partnership to offer solutions based on artificial intelligence, remote sensing and advanced analytics of satellite images
INERCO and ORBITAL EOS signed a collaboration agreement to offer solutions based on leading digital technologies upgrading their environmental, sustainability and safety consulting services. The objective of this strategic agreement is to launch solutions for environmental control and sustainability in energy and industrial activities built on remote sensing and satellite

INERCO meets with the General Director of Energy of the Junta de Andalucía with the aim of identifying lines of collaboration for the sustainable industrial development of Andalusia
INERCO meets with the General Director of Energy of the Junta de Andalucía with the aim of identifying lines of collaboration for the sustainable industrial development of Andalusia As a continuation of the meeting of September 9, 2021 between the INERCO management team and the Commissioner for Climate Change and

INERCO is committed to a new hybrid work model and open space offices based on flexibility
INERCO is committed to a new hybrid work model and open space offices based on flexibility The new hybrid work and office model will be implemented in all INERCO headquarters. It comes into force in the coming months of 2021. The new model will enhance the reconciliation of private life

INERCO met the Commissioner for Climate Change and Energy Model with the aim of promoting lines of collaboration for the sustainable industrial development of Andalusia
INERCO met the Commissioner for Climate Change and Energy Model with the aim of promoting lines of collaboration for the sustainable industrial development of Andalusia Juan Manuel Muñoz Romero, Commissioner for Climate Change and Energy Model of the Junta de Andalucía and his Technical Advisors, on September 9th, met with

INERCO will offer REACH consulting services in the United Kingdom with its new strategic partner ARTIMINO
INERCO signed a strategic collaboration agreement with its partner ARTIMINO CONSULTING, to provide its clients with all the services required by the so-called REACH-UK regulation in the commercialization of chemical products with the United Kingdom after BREXIT, strengthening its position in the said market. The agreement signed between INERCO and

INERCO participated in CONAMA, in the session on Emission Rights Trading 2021-2030: Joining efforts before the European Green Deal
INERCO participated in CONAMA, in the session on Emission Rights Trading 2021-2030: Joining efforts before the European Green Deal On Monday, May 31, the face-to-face session on Emission Trading 2021-2030 was held at the National Environmental Congress (CONAMA): Joining efforts before the European Green Deal (ST-5). This Technical Committee was

INERCO participated in CONAMA in the session on the role of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in the taxonomy of sustainable investments
INERCO participated in CONAMA in the session on the role of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in the taxonomy of sustainable investments On May 31th, the National Environmental Congress (CONAMA) held a face-to-face session on the role of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in the taxonomy of sustainable investments (ST-38).

INERCO and ABSORSISTEM will work together on energy optimization through absorption cycle heat pumps and chillers
INERCO, a global company that supports sustainable industrial development through services in the fields of Engineering, Technology and HSE Consulting – and ABSORSISTEM, a company specializing in applications of heat pumps and industrial refrigeration, signed a collaboration agreement for the development and supply of solutions for energy optimization of industrial

INERCO signs a strategic partnership with the British company HU-TECH to offer advanced services on Occupational Health & Safety
INERCO signed a strategic partnership agreement with HU-TECH, a leading British company in the application of Human Factors and Human Factors Engineering (HFE) in Risk Management, among other disciplines in Occupational Health & Safety. This partnership creates a multidisciplinary team focused on the development of services in Human Factors Engineering