Climate Change and Sustainability

INERCO participated in CONAMA, in the session on Emission Rights Trading 2021-2030: Joining efforts before the European Green Deal
INERCO participated in CONAMA, in the session on Emission Rights Trading 2021-2030: Joining efforts before the European Green Deal On Monday, May 31, the face-to-face session on Emission Trading 2021-2030 was held at the National Environmental Congress (CONAMA): Joining efforts before the European Green Deal (ST-5). This Technical Committee was

INERCO participated in CONAMA in the session on the role of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in the taxonomy of sustainable investments
INERCO participated in CONAMA in the session on the role of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in the taxonomy of sustainable investments On May 31th, the National Environmental Congress (CONAMA) held a face-to-face session on the role of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in the taxonomy of sustainable investments (ST-38).

VIRA GAS supports the project of the shipping company Suardiaz for the electrical supply of ships from the Port of Tenerife
VIRA GAS -a technological company participated by ENAGÁS and INERCO – have been working on the measurement of emissions, review of absence of fugitive emissions of organic compounds, data treatment and generation of reports for the shipping company Suardiaz, within the project of delivery of the generator equipment for electrical

Energy storage, key to decarbonisation
Prof. Vicente J. Cortés, presidente de INERCO (Fuente: Especial Energía ‘El Economista’) The energy and climate change policies of the European Union for the decarbonisation of the economy revolve around three main axes: the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, a greater proportion of renewables in end consumption and improvement of energy

INERCO Colombia develops a climate risk analysis methodology for Asobancaria
INERCO Colombia has presented its self-developed methodology for the preliminary assessment of risks due to climate change in the process of studying the road infrastructure project financing. This new project, which is the responsibility of INERCO Colombia’s Sustainability team, has focused on building a manual for financial institutions, which includes

INERCO carries out the first integral climate change management plan of the mining and energy sectors in Colombia
INERCO Consultoría Colombia, in collaboration with the National University of Colombia, has carried out for the Ministry of Mining and Energy (MME) the first Integral Climate change Management and Climate variability Plan (PIGCC) on a national level for the hydrocarbon, large-scale coal mining and electrical energy sectors. This document has

INERCO, expert advisor on climate change for the United Nations Programme for development and the Government of Colombia
INERCO has carried out consulting for the development of the document Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) in the framework of the Readiness programme of the Green Climate Fund, led by the United Nations Programme for Development (PNUD) and the Colombian National Department of Planning (DNP). This project, in

INERCO has developed the Study of Air Quality Assessment for the City Council of Seville regarding the environmental status in the city. This important document takes the place of Air Quality Improvement Plan for the Seville Metropolitan Area —in which INERCO took control of the analysis of the PM 10 and

INERCO analyses challenges and progress of business and institutional management in Colombia with respect to the Paris agreement
On 14 September, INERCO Colombia held the sixth edition of the HSEC technical conference 2016, with the participation of important representatives of national and international public and private bodies. The event, divided into three blocks, presented the “Challenges and progress for business and institutional management in Colombia in relation to

Vicente Cortés appears as guest expert at the international conference on climate change and carbon capture held in Seville
International energy and environment experts, including INERCO president Vicente Cortés, participated in the International Conference on Contribution of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the fight against climate change, organised by the Chemical and Environmental Engineering department of the Seville Higher Technical School of Engineering. The initiative is promoted by the Ministry