INERCO articles and news about environment

INERCO presented in a webinar the new tools for the social management of projects in Peru
INERCO held a webinar focusing on the new tools for processing social management projects in Peru, a complete discussion with experts from INERCO‘s Social Management and Community Relations Area (RRCC), which has a long history in projects of this type, in view of the conditions set by the COVID-19. As

INERCO breaks down the keys to new sustainable financing and taxonomy for industry in Europe in INERCO webinars
INERCO has held a webinar focusing on ‘Taxonomy and sustainable financing’, the new investment model promoted by the European Union within the framework of the new Industrial Strategy for a green, competitive and digital Europe. The European Green Deal establishes a roadmap with actions to promote the efficient use of

INERCO Peru advises on the development of environmental management instruments (EMI) during the COVID-19
INERCO has held a webinar on the Development of Environmental Management Instruments (EMI) with the new scenario brought about by the world pandemic of COVID-19, aimed at the Peruvian market. In particular, essential documents such as the physical, environmental and biological baseline, the socio-economic and cultural baseline and the Citizen

VIRA GAS supports the project of the shipping company Suardiaz for the electrical supply of ships from the Port of Tenerife
VIRA GAS -a technological company participated by ENAGÁS and INERCO – have been working on the measurement of emissions, review of absence of fugitive emissions of organic compounds, data treatment and generation of reports for the shipping company Suardiaz, within the project of delivery of the generator equipment for electrical

Energy storage, key to decarbonisation
Prof. Vicente J. Cortés, presidente de INERCO (Fuente: Especial Energía ‘El Economista’) The energy and climate change policies of the European Union for the decarbonisation of the economy revolve around three main axes: the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, a greater proportion of renewables in end consumption and improvement of energy

INERCO Colombia develops a climate risk analysis methodology for Asobancaria
INERCO Colombia has presented its self-developed methodology for the preliminary assessment of risks due to climate change in the process of studying the road infrastructure project financing. This new project, which is the responsibility of INERCO Colombia’s Sustainability team, has focused on building a manual for financial institutions, which includes

INERCO Colombia analyses alongside the business sector the change in land use in the new Barranquilla system
INERCO held technical conferences in Barranquilla around the valuation of land against the change in land use in the territorial planning of Colombia’s fourth city, as regards the number of inhabitants. This professional meeting, sponsored by INERCO, has made it possible to show the Colombian business sector the reality of

INERCO carries out the environmental studies for the approval of the Vodudahue farm’s sustainable agricultural project
The Environmental Assessment Commission of Los Lagos has approved the ‘Vodudahue Master Plan for Sustainable Agricultural Development’ project, through which a mini-power plant of 300 KW will be installed at the end of the Leptepú fiord, Haulaihue commune, Lakes Region. It’s an area defined by the Pumalín Park Master Plan

INERCO creates the Socio-Environmental Management Guide for the Andean Development Corporation (ADC)
INERCO has developed the content and structure of the standard guide for the preparation of Environmental and Social Studies (ESS) of the Andean Development Corporation (ADC), the Development Bank of Latin America. Specifically, INERCO created the technical documents for a total of ten strategic sectors, an endorsement of the realization

INERCO Colombia develops the Environmental Compensation Plan for the National Natural Park Salamanca Island Road Park
INERCO has developed the Environmental Compensation Plan carried out by the Consorcio SES Magdalena in the National Natural Park Salamanca Island Road Park (VIPIS), in Colombia. This important environmental action —centred on one of the ecosystems of reference in the country— has involved fauna and flora classification work in the