INERCO Colombia analyses alongside the business sector the change in land use in the new Barranquilla system

INERCO held technical conferences in Barranquilla around the valuation of land against the change in land use in the territorial planning of Colombia’s fourth city, as regards the number of inhabitants.
This professional meeting, sponsored by INERCO, has made it possible to show the Colombian business sector the reality of a key activity not only for urban development, but also at the level of industrial sustainability. Thus, within the programme of speakers, the Colombian Chamber of Construction (Camacol) explained the main changes in land use planned in this new Barranquilla urban plan.
On the other hand, Roberto Cárdenas, director of INERCO Colombia’s Environmental Studies Area, analysed the environmental, legal and urban procedures for changing former industrial sites to developable land, a field in which INERCO has extensive experience in Europe and Latin America with projects in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Colombia, among others.
In fact, Bruno Coquelet, director of INERCO’s Soil and Groundwater Division, was responsible for breaking down for the attendees – a hundred company managers in the industrial, real estate, construction, graphic arts and chemical sectors, among others – practices in the field of management of polluted spaced, supported by more than a hundred projects executed over the last three decades by INERCO.
In this regard, Enith Murcia, director of INERCO’s Soil and Groundwater Area in Colombia, was responsible for presenting to the attendees the specifics of this key activity within the legislative and particular context of Colombia, while Rhaissa de Ssouza, coordinator of INERCO projects, broke down various projects executed by INERCO in Colombia in this field.