INERCO analyzes the obligations and actions for the industry related to the law of environmental responsibility

This webinar was given by Pastora Fernández, Head of the Risk Analysis Area of INERCO’s Industrial Safety Division. She delved into the scope of this regulation, focused on regulating the responsibility of operators to prevent, avoid and repair environmental damage, in accordance with article 45 of the Constitution and with the principles of prevention and “who pollutes pays”.
This Law seeks to reinforce the prevention mechanisms to avoid accidents with harmful consequences for the environment, as well as to ensure the repair of environmental damages derived from economic activities, even when these are fully compliant with the law and all preventive measures have been adopted. available. On the other hand, it also guarantees that the prevention and repair of environmental damage is borne by the responsible operator.
Pastora Fernández explained the obligations of operators under these regulations and emphasized essential aspects such as the actions of Priority 3 operators and financial guarantees within the Environmental Risk Analysis.
According to the INERCO Safety expert, the commitment to “increase the safety of the operators is essential, as well as knowing the risks of each installation and the preventive measures proposed to avoid them, because risk management must go far beyond mere Legal compliance”.
Along these lines, Pastora Fernández also highlights “the mandatory commitment to reduce and minimize the occurrence of accidents with environmental consequences, as well as to have a financial guarantee to make use of it if necessary”.