Industrial Safety and Risk PreventionINERCO Brazil

INERCO developed Quantitative Risk Analysis in petrochemical facilities at LNG terminal

INERCO Brazil has developed a Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) at one of the facilities of a major petrochemical multinational in Sao Paulo.

INERCO technicians have made use of this methodology to review compliance with legal regulations on the analysis of technological risks to the population. Thus, the QRA quantifies the expected probability of certain events and assesses the risk induced by an industrial facility in the external environment.

This same methodology has also been implemented by INERCO Brazil for a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal based on FSRU and FSU units and operations with methane tankers located in the port of Suape in the FEED engineering phase.


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The Author

Alfredo Ramos Rodríguez

Alfredo Ramos Rodríguez

Diretor Executivo de INERCO Brasil e INERCO Portugal