INERCO applies Human Factor Engineering for a new control room at a refinery in Argentina

INERCO has carried out an ergonomic consultancy, under the concept of Human Factor Engineering, for the design of the new Control Room to be built in a refinery in Mendoza (Argentina).
Specifically, INERCO’s Occupational Risk Prevention Division has studied various functional and operational improvements, during the design phase, for the Control Room itself and for the offices and annexed units.
Thus, INERCO experts reviewed the plans for the new control room, providing recommendations and improvements taking into account both the regulatory requirements and specifications of the owner company and the operational and ergonomic demands, evaluating the human factor in a global manner and, in particular, seeking to minimize human error.
As Irene Biedma INERCO’s expert in Human Factor Engineering, comments, the application of this discipline in the design phase of a facility “allows the performance of workers to be improved, which has repercussions both on final productivity and efficiency, and on the necessary reduction in the possibility of accidents or occupational illnesses in the long term”.
In this sense, he adds, “the fact of taking into account these recommendations on the drawing board (before the execution of the final work) also means an important cost saving for the project promoter, who can implement improvement measures for the workers in a previous phase of the construction”.