INERCO holds a webinar on the new regulations and methodologies influenced by COVID-19 for projects of a social nature in Latin America

INERCO has recently held a webinar to address the new situation faced by companies and institutions regarding the implementation and execution of infrastructure projects in Latin America in times of COVID-19. During the course of this online meeting, experts from Colombia, Mexico and Peru shared the main methodological scenarios that are being proposed at a government level to enable the continuity of work in a key area within Latin American development.
The event was attended by representatives of important institutions, such as the National Environmental Certification Service for Sustainable Investment (SENACE) of Peru, represented by Ms. Silvia Cuba, and the Urban Transport Authority for Lima and Callao of Peru, represented by Mr. Rodrigo Zeballos, who presented the regulatory and technical modifications imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic for the continuity of projects in which the social component is one of the main aspects.
Together with them, Roberto Cárdenas, Director of the Environmental Studies Area of INERCO Colombia; Cynthia Alfaro, Environmental Manager of INERCO Mexico and Melissa Sulca, Director of Social Management and CCRR of INERCO Peru were responsible for explaining INERCO’s methodology in specific projects in this new situation.
Thus, real examples of current projects from different productive sectors were broken down in which the restrictions of the pandemic have not prevented their development and execution, both in Mexico, Colombia and Peru where INERCO has a presence, with the relevant biosecurity measures implemented and with virtual and semi-presential methodologies that ensure the principles of active, proactive and effective participation.