INERCO completes the installation of its own software for continuous monitoring of emissions in a power plant, which brings to a total of 33 those that have this own technology in Chile

INERCO completed the installation of its proprietary software for the continuous monitoring of emissions in a Combined Cycle Gas Plant in the Atacama Region, which brings to 33 facilities of this type (of the main operators in the country) that have already with INERCO technology for this important data analysis.
The software developed by INERCO has proven its versatility and utility on a day-to-day basis for this type of industrial facilities, a tool that facilitates the daily work in the control associated with said systems and in the generation of reports requested by the Chilean competent authority.
For Antonio Alvarado, Manager of INERCO Inspecion y Control, this new project makes INERCO a “technological leader in the field of continuous monitoring of emissions with a self-developed tool resulting from the experience developed over the last three decades in this field. both in Europe and in Latin America for the main operators and always with an eye on the technological forefront as an ally to obtain better results and greater efficiency in processes”.
This INERCO software for the continuous monitoring of industrial emissions receives the readings of different sensors installed in key points, information that is treated, validated and generates the reports requested by the environmental authorities in each case. “This tool,” says Alvarado, “greatly facilitates the work of data collection with a single instrumentation that saves time and money compared to manual reports, as has been demonstrated in the energy operators in Spain and Chile in which it is already operating.”