INERCO conducts the webinar on identification of SIL assignment methodologies applied to Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)

INERCO held the webinar on identification of SIL assignment methodologies applied to Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), an advanced technical seminar for industry in Europe and Latin America that has been given by Pilar Ojeda, Head of the Process Safety Area for INERCO Industrial Safety Division.
Throughout this online meeting, the INERCO expert in Industrial Safety explains key aspects of the Functional Safety regulations, as well as has made a tour through the stages of the SIS Life Cycle. Along these lines, he focused on the different SIL allocation methodologies at the same time that the main benefits of the application of the SIS Life Cycle were presented.
For Pilar Ojeda, INERCO‘s extensive experience in the field of Security demonstrates the suitability of implementing a Security Instrumented Systems in any industrial facility, “as the last layer of prevention, a system that must comply with the security requirements set out in the index SIL”.
Thus, it recommends carrying out SIL analysis “with technical and expert criteria, by a risk analyst, as well as having a previously advanced HAZOP, because it is the fundamental basis for the subsequent development of a SIL analysis.”
For the INERCO expert, the increase in security measures in the facilities is an advantage that is reflected in various fields, not only in the safety of people and / or the environment, but also “economic, with the decrease in financial losses due to own material costs, lost profits and civil liabilities derived from accidents”.