INERCO received the meeting of the Permanent Committee of FEIQUE and the working lunch with the Director Juan Bravo at its headquarters

The Standing Committee of Feique (Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry) held its meeting on May 10 at the INERCO headquarters in Seville. In addition to Feique’s own agenda, the members of the Permanent Committee ( had the opportunity to learn about INERCO‘s extensive experience in solutions in the fields of environmental and energy sustainability, and the industrial and labor safety for sustainable industrial development at a local and international level.
This meeting ended with a working lunch that was attended by Juan Bravo Baena, Minister of Finance and European Financing of the Junta de Andalucía and economic vice-secretary of the PP, with whom strategic aspects about the future of the chemical industry were analyzed and debated. and the enormous opportunities that arise in Andalusia and Spain associated with the challenges of energy transition and the Next Generation Funds.
For Pedro Marín, General Director of INERCO, “INERCO’s mission is to contribute to sustainable industrial development, so hosting this Committee, made up of the CEOs of the main Spanish companies in the sector, at our headquarters has been an honor, and having Juan Bravo transmitting Andalusia’s commitment and support for industrial development has been a luxury”.
For his part, Carles Navarro, President of Feique, highlighted that INERCO is a benchmark in the field of technical consultancy, with in-depth knowledge of the industrial reality and its needs, which allows it to offer a broad strategic vision for the chemical sector. Likewise, during lunch with the Minister of the Treasury, he explained the need for administrations to be able to speed up bureaucratic paperwork and procedures in all procedures in order to facilitate the attraction of industrial investment.