INERCO participates in the definition of several energy transition projects within the expressions of interest of the plan of recovery, transformation and resilience of the government of Spain

INERCO participates in the definition of several tractor projects such as technological engineering on the occasion of the request for Expressions of Interest (MDI) made by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Spain for their inclusion in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience.
This process aims to identify specific areas of interest within the Program to Promote Industrial Competitiveness and Sustainability tractor projects. The process has the role of INERCO as an expert specialized in the development of energy transition projects, especially in relation to Green Hydrogen, Energy Storage, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency or CO2 Capture, among other innovative activities.
INERCO’s innovative strategy, since its foundation in 1984, for the development of environmental and energy technologies in favor of sustainable industrial development has had its response in several projects promoted by several of the main energy, industrial and mining companies, which will have the INERCO’s own experience and know-how in these fields.
For Pedro Marín, General Director of INERCO, the call by the Spanish Government is an excellent opportunity to endorse INERCO’s innovative commitment in technological areas such as energy optimization and efficiency, “where we have projects spread across Europe, Asia, North America and Latin America. ”, Or in energy or hydrogen storage,“ where we are a proactive agent, with our own developments and references for the main energy operators in Spain ”.