INERCO will execute the important EPC project to increase the storage capacity of the Bío Bío Refinery operated by ENAP in Chile

INERCO will execute the important EPC project to increase the storage capacity of the Bío Bío Refinery operated by ENAP in Chile.
INERCO has signed an agreement with the Chilean construction company Vial y Vives for the joint execution of the project to increase storage capacity at the Bío Bío Refinery, operated by ENAP in Hualpén, Concepción (Chile), awarded to Vial y Vives.
This important project – in the ‘Turnkey’ (EPC) modality – involves the construction and commissioning of two new 50,000 m3 crude tanks, as well as a series of electrical supply, control and security facilities for this complex of the Chilean state hydrocarbons company.
This action – carried out jointly, in a modality similar to the Consortium – establishes the distribution of positions of responsibility in a joint structure. In addition, INERCO will take over a large part of the engineering work, as well as other consulting tasks in the territory. The approximate amount of the action is 44 million dollars (20 million direct for INERCO) and with an execution period of 30 months.
For Pedro Marín, General Director of INERCO, the award of this contract –the largest in INERCO’s history– “reinforces our positioning and solvency as a global engineering company, with guaranteed human and technical capacity to face large turnkey projects in different sectors. key and as demanding as oil & gas, chemical, petrochemical or electrical, while also representing an important support for this exercise, still marked by the effects of the pandemic”.
In this line, it points to INERCO’s trajectory in the field of engineering and technology during the last four decades, with large projects carried out in Europe, Latin America and Asia, for the main industrial corporations, “an experience that has allowed us to develop a know-how -Own show essential to face challenges like this one with a total guarantee of success”.
On the other hand, Pedro Marín placed special emphasis on the important link between the INERCO Group and Chile, “a country in which we have our own office since 2013 and where we have developed a good part of our most outstanding projects in recent years, both in the field environmental, safety and risk prevention consultancy, as well as that of emission control and reduction technologies and energy optimization, where we are world leaders in personalized and proven solutions and where we want to continue contributing our experience in these fields”.