Seville City Council names an avenue in the PCT Cartuja as Ingeniero Luis Salvador, in tribute to our co-founder

The Seville City Council has approved the naming of an avenue after our co-founder, Don Luis Salvador Martínez (RIP), in the area of the Isla de la Cartuja Science and Technology Park (PCT). This plenary agreement is a recognition of the figure of our Honorary President, a strong advocate of innovation and technological development, as well as the necessary transfer of knowledge from the University to the industrial sector for its promotion.
Ph. in Industrial Engineering from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Professor Salvador Martínez was Professor of General Chemical Technology at the University of Seville, where he played a key role in the development of the current Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de la Hispalense, of which he was Director.
The Consistory of Seville highlights the vision of Luis Salvador Martínez, ahead of his time, in favour of sustainable industrial development, as well as his determined promotion of the development of the current PCT Cartuja, where INERCO moved its headquarters in 2000, to one of the most unique buildings of the former Expo 92.
Thus, the agreement of the Plenary of the Seville City Council establishes the name of Avenida Ingeniero Luis Salvador to the road that goes from Américo Vespucio, at the exit of the roundabout located in front of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros -confluence of Américo Vespucio, Camino de los Descubrimientos and Juan Bautista Muñoz- to the roundabout that is located on the border of the municipalities of Seville and Santiponce. For more information you can consult the publication of the news in this link
The Chairman of INERCO, Vicente Cortés, expressed his gratitude and that of the entire team of professionals of the Group for this recognition of the memory of our co-founder, “a figure ahead of his time, a staunch defender of the fact that collaboration is the path to success, as he demonstrated in his work and decisions in the field of sustainable industrial development”.