Vicente Cortés, President of INERCO, discusses the keys to new decarbonization technologies for industry at the UNIA Summer Courses

Professor Vicente Cortés, President and co-founder of INERCO, participated as a speaker in the masterclass ‘Technology against climate change: capture, uses and storage of CO2‘, held on 3 September as part of the Summer Courses of the International University of Andalusia at its headquarters in La Rabida (Huelva).
Throughout his speech, Vicente Cortés gave a broad overview of the capabilities of current and future technologies for decarbonization in Europe, in accordance with the objectives set by the European Commission in its Green Deal.
In this sense, the frontier of climate neutrality in 2050 marked by the EU’s proposal, as well as the 50% reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in 2030, represents a challenge that, from a technological point of view, is based on four major fronts: electrification, the use of hydrogen, renewable fuels and energy efficiency.
As the President of INERCO commented during his speech, “these four major axes are not new, there are even specific programs to promote their development in the case of the last three, but a new approach to integration between them is now appearing that is very interesting, the so-called Strategy for Smart Sector Integration”.
In this sense, Vicente Cortés, during this presentation, also broke down the technological proposal developed by INERCO in response to the regulations, the Energy Management and Storage Centre’s (CAGES), “a decisive advance in the field of energy optimization through a set of technologies that allow – from surplus electricity or low-temperature heat – to store electrical energy for later use, or to transform it into other sources, such as hydrogen, steam, heat, cold or synthetic fuels (e-fuels)”.
Along these lines, he highlighted the possibilities of greater and better use of the energy generated in photovoltaic, solar and wind power plants, which INERCO’s technological commitment brings with it, “but also of the energy surpluses from the treatment of biomass and residual heat, including the capture and use of CO2“.
The course ‘Technology against climate change: CO2 capture, uses and storage’, directed by ETSI lecturer Benito Navarrete, also brought together other leading experts in the field of decarbonization, such as representatives from the Spanish CO2 Technology Platform, the Spanish Geological Mining Institute, the IMDEA Energy Institute, the universities of Seville and Zaragoza, as well as the Regional Government of Andalusia, Cepsa, Atlantic Copper and Portland Valderrivas, among others.
You can see the conference on decarbonization by the President of INERCO here