March 2021

Experts analyze the role of the Environmental Assessment System in Colombia in a webinar organized by INERCO
INERCO held a webinar focused on the analysis and assessment of the Environmental Assessment system in Colombia, a joint reflection for which a wide range of top-level panelists have been counted on a key issue for the execution of projects. The webinar moderated by Gabriel Medina, Technical Manager of INERCO

INERCO, environmental advisor for modeling in the agri-food sector in Brazil
INERCO carried out environmental modeling at the facilities of a major agri-food multinational that operates in Brazil. INERCO‘s experience in advanced environmental consulting has made it possible to face a modeling project, making use of cutting-edge technology to know the scope of certain emissions and advise our clients on the

INERCO breaks down the keys to self-protection and emergency planning in a webinar
INERCO conducted the webinar on self-protection and emergency planning, a key area within the Industrial Safety of a facility and which has been given by Carolina Sánchez, Head of the Protection and Emergency Planning Area of the Industrial Safety Division of INERCO. This new webinar on Security by INERCO experts

INERCO, expert advisor on regulations to avoid serious accidents (SEVESO) in the Portuguese industrial market
INERCO’s experience as an advisor on Industrial Safety and Risk Prevention, at the service of the industry in Portugal. The new documentation requirements published in 2020 by the Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA) regarding the regulations on serious accidents (SEVESO Regulations) are bringing with them an important adaptation by the country’s

INERCO carries out process risk analysis studies for the chemical industry in Portugal
INERCO carried out HAZOP and SIL studies at the facilities of an important chemical company, located in Estarreja (Aveiro District). The team of experts from INERCO’s Industrial Safety Division has carried out a complete process risk analysis through the HAZOP (HAZard & OPerability Analysis) methodology, as well as SIL studies

INERCO conducts the webinar on identification of SIL assignment methodologies applied to Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
INERCO held the webinar on identification of SIL assignment methodologies applied to Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), an advanced technical seminar for industry in Europe and Latin America that has been given by Pilar Ojeda, Head of the Process Safety Area for INERCO Industrial Safety Division. Throughout this online meeting, the

INERCO prepares Risk Studies and Emergency Plans for two units of a major LPG distributor in Brazil
INERCO carried out risk studies for two Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) storage plants of a major operator in Brazil. Specifically, INERCO‘s team of Industrial Safety experts in Brazil has analyzed the risks in these facilities to update the risk studies and their Emergency Plans, also with a view to adapting

INERCO analyzes the obligations and actions for the industry related to the law of environmental responsibility
INERCO held the webinar on obligations and actions in relation to environmental risks in establishments marked Priority 3 in the Environmental Responsibility Law. This webinar was given by Pastora Fernández, Head of the Risk Analysis Area of INERCO’s Industrial Safety Division. She delved into the scope of this regulation, focused

INERCO conducts a webinar on the obligations in 2021 derived from the severe accident regulations (SEVESO)
INERCO carries out the webinar focused on the ‘Obligations in 2021 derived from the regulations on serious accidents (SEVESO)’, a digital meeting in which Pastora Fernández, Head of the Risk Analysis Area of INERCO’s Industrial Safety Division, approached the keys of this standard to the industrial sector. Throughout the webinar,

INERCO develops Environmental Impact Studies and Citizen Participation Plans for two new power lines in Peru
INERCO in Peru is developing two Environmental Impact Studies (EIA) and Citizen Participation Plans for the COBRA GROUP prior to the start-up of 220 KV transmission lines, with new substations and expansion of some existing ones. This new action of INERCO Peru in the environmental field and in social management