Corporate articles and news

INERCO participates in the definition of several energy transition projects within the expressions of interest of the plan of recovery, transformation and resilience of the government of Spain
INERCO participates in the definition of several tractor projects such as technological engineering on the occasion of the request for Expressions of Interest (MDI) made by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Spain for their inclusion in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience. This process aims

INERCO and HYDRAREDOX enter into a Collaboration Agreement to provide flow battery energy storage solutions for industry and the power sector
INERCO has signed a collaboration agreement with HYDRAREDOX, a Spanish company with vanadium redox flow battery technology, to combine their capabilities in the service of decarbonisation worldwide. This technology has extremely interesting capabilities in that it allows very competitive storage of electrical energy, especially for storage times of more than

Seville City Council names an avenue in the PCT Cartuja as Ingeniero Luis Salvador, in tribute to our co-founder
The Seville City Council has approved the naming of an avenue after our co-founder, Don Luis Salvador Martínez (RIP), in the area of the Isla de la Cartuja Science and Technology Park (PCT). This plenary agreement is a recognition of the figure of our Honorary President, a strong advocate of

Vicente Cortés, President of INERCO, discusses the keys to new decarbonization technologies for industry at the UNIA Summer Courses
Professor Vicente Cortés, President and co-founder of INERCO, participated as a speaker in the masterclass ‘Technology against climate change: capture, uses and storage of CO2‘, held on 3 September as part of the Summer Courses of the International University of Andalusia at its headquarters in La Rabida (Huelva). Throughout his

An advanced technological response for the EU’s energy future
On 15 May, the public consultation launched by the European Commission on the “Strategy for Smart Sector Integration” as part of the actions of the European Green Pact ended. The forecast is to present in the coming months an action plan to encourage an interrelation between the energy, industrial and

Luis Salvador Martínez, co-founder and President of Honor of INERCO, passed away
INERCO regrets to announce the death of its co-founder and President of Honor, Professor Luis Salvador Martínez, on Tuesday July 28th at the age of 75. Luis Salvador Martínez was born in Seville in 1945, and was the President of Honor of INERCO, a company he founded in 1984 together

INERCO gives a scholarship to fifteen participants of the ‘Sputnik’ program for talent, innovation and entrepreneurship in Andalusia
Pedro Marín, General Manager, and José Antonio Peregrín, Head of Innovation at INERCO, attended the inauguration of the first meeting of the ‘Sputnik’ project, the training programme in exponential technologies and creation of start-ups focused on training 500 young people -5,000 in the next ten years- aged between 16 and

INERCO meets with the General Secretary of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Andalusian Regional Government to promote collaboration with the new Strategic Accelerator Unit
Pedro Marín, General Manager and Patricio Navarro, Business Development Director of INERCO held a working meeting with the General Secretary of Industry, Energy and Mines, Fernando Arauz de Robles, and the Deputy Director of this Secretariat, Miguel Ángel Román, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Finance, Industry and Energy.

2 end of degree projects were awarded at the 13th edition of the INERCO professorship awards for the Technical School of Engineers of Seville
The INERCO professorship awarded the annual prizes for the best End of Degree and Master’s works in its thirteenth edition. The event had took place at the School of Engineering of Seville (ETSI), announced the winners of the 2019 edition, whom received their awards from Luis Cañadas, INERCO’s Corporate Director of

Taxonomy, key to new sustainable financing of industry and energy
On Wednesday 11 December, the European Commission published the so-called European Green Deal, which was endorsed by the European Council the following day. This extremely important document includes, among other objectives, the ambition of having a climate-neutral continent by 2050 and making the EU the world leader in ‘green’ financing