Luis Salvador Martínez, co-founder and President of Honor of INERCO, passed away

INERCO regrets to announce the death of its co-founder and President of Honor, Professor Luis Salvador Martínez, on Tuesday July 28th at the age of 75.
Luis Salvador Martínez was born in Seville in 1945, and was the President of Honor of INERCO, a company he founded in 1984 together with Professor Vicente Cortés Galeano. Professor Salvador Martínez, has a PHD in Industrial Engineering from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and was Professor of General Chemical Technology at the University of Seville.
In this University he developed an important stage as director of the Superior School of Industrial Engineers and of the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Professor Salvador was the first director of the Seville-based Territorial Institute of Occupational Safety and Hygiene and director of the Association for Research and Industrial Cooperation of Andalusia (Aicia).
Throughout his long professional career, Professor Luis Salvador Martínez was the editor of the National Plan for Research and Technological Development in the Area of Chemical Processes and Products. He also participated as an expert in the Energy and Environment Commission of the Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology (Cicyt) and in the Commission of the National Program for the Environment and Natural Resources.
In addition, he was the director of R&D projects of the European Union in the area of Energy (Coal and Steel Commission). Among other recognitions during his brilliant career, he received the City of Seville Research Award in 1992, 1997 and 2000 and the award for entrepreneurial alumni from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2011). He also published over 120 works in national and international journals.
He was president of INERCO for more than three decades, leading national and international growth of this company until it became a group with more than 600 employees, projects supporting the industry in more than 70 countries and offices in 8 (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Portugal and USA).
The members of the Board of Directors and all the people who make up the team INERCO regret the death of its co-founder and express their most sincere and profound gratitude for the dedication and devotion shown by Luis Salvador Martínez during all these years, in which he demonstrated his brilliant vision as an ally of the industry, the preservation of INERCO values and above all his human quality.