News and articles from INERCO Spain

INERCO meets with the General Director of Energy of the Junta de Andalucía with the aim of identifying lines of collaboration for the sustainable industrial development of Andalusia
INERCO meets with the General Director of Energy of the Junta de Andalucía with the aim of identifying lines of collaboration for the sustainable industrial development of Andalusia As a continuation of the meeting of September 9, 2021 between the INERCO management team and the Commissioner for Climate Change and

INERCO is committed to a new hybrid work model and open space offices based on flexibility
INERCO is committed to a new hybrid work model and open space offices based on flexibility The new hybrid work and office model will be implemented in all INERCO headquarters. It comes into force in the coming months of 2021. The new model will enhance the reconciliation of private life

INERCO participated in CONAMA, in the session on Emission Rights Trading 2021-2030: Joining efforts before the European Green Deal
INERCO participated in CONAMA, in the session on Emission Rights Trading 2021-2030: Joining efforts before the European Green Deal On Monday, May 31, the face-to-face session on Emission Trading 2021-2030 was held at the National Environmental Congress (CONAMA): Joining efforts before the European Green Deal (ST-5). This Technical Committee was

INERCO participated in CONAMA in the session on the role of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in the taxonomy of sustainable investments
INERCO participated in CONAMA in the session on the role of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in the taxonomy of sustainable investments On May 31th, the National Environmental Congress (CONAMA) held a face-to-face session on the role of the Directive on Industrial Emissions in the taxonomy of sustainable investments (ST-38).

INERCO breaks down the keys to self-protection and emergency planning in a webinar
INERCO conducted the webinar on self-protection and emergency planning, a key area within the Industrial Safety of a facility and which has been given by Carolina Sánchez, Head of the Protection and Emergency Planning Area of the Industrial Safety Division of INERCO. This new webinar on Security by INERCO experts

INERCO conducts the webinar on identification of SIL assignment methodologies applied to Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
INERCO held the webinar on identification of SIL assignment methodologies applied to Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), an advanced technical seminar for industry in Europe and Latin America that has been given by Pilar Ojeda, Head of the Process Safety Area for INERCO Industrial Safety Division. Throughout this online meeting, the

INERCO analyzes the obligations and actions for the industry related to the law of environmental responsibility
INERCO held the webinar on obligations and actions in relation to environmental risks in establishments marked Priority 3 in the Environmental Responsibility Law. This webinar was given by Pastora Fernández, Head of the Risk Analysis Area of INERCO’s Industrial Safety Division. She delved into the scope of this regulation, focused

INERCO, member of Andalusian Hydrogen Association
INERCO became part of the Andalusian Hydrogen Association, a body that brings together Andalusian companies linked to this element as one of the vehicles for the decarbonization process of industry, transport and the current energy system. In this way, INERCO is associated with this group, which brings together the main

INERCO participates in the definition of several energy transition projects within the expressions of interest of the plan of recovery, transformation and resilience of the government of Spain
INERCO participates in the definition of several tractor projects such as technological engineering on the occasion of the request for Expressions of Interest (MDI) made by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Spain for their inclusion in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience. This process aims

INERCO breaks down the keys to getting the most out of a Sulphur Recovery Unit’s performance tests
Following the success of its firstwebinaron the optimisation of sulphur recovery units in large-scale industry, INERCO held a new online seminar on this subject on 17 November, this time focusing on making the most of plant performance tests of this type. Throughout the webinar – which was attended by a