News and articles from INERCO Spain

VIRA GAS supports the project of the shipping company Suardiaz for the electrical supply of ships from the Port of Tenerife
VIRA GAS -a technological company participated by ENAGÁS and INERCO – have been working on the measurement of emissions, review of absence of fugitive emissions of organic compounds, data treatment and generation of reports for the shipping company Suardiaz, within the project of delivery of the generator equipment for electrical

INERCO gives a scholarship to fifteen participants of the ‘Sputnik’ program for talent, innovation and entrepreneurship in Andalusia
Pedro Marín, General Manager, and José Antonio Peregrín, Head of Innovation at INERCO, attended the inauguration of the first meeting of the ‘Sputnik’ project, the training programme in exponential technologies and creation of start-ups focused on training 500 young people -5,000 in the next ten years- aged between 16 and

INERCO meets with the General Secretary of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Andalusian Regional Government to promote collaboration with the new Strategic Accelerator Unit
Pedro Marín, General Manager and Patricio Navarro, Business Development Director of INERCO held a working meeting with the General Secretary of Industry, Energy and Mines, Fernando Arauz de Robles, and the Deputy Director of this Secretariat, Miguel Ángel Román, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Finance, Industry and Energy.

INERCO successfully concludes the implementation of its ABACO technology at the Landulpho Alves refinery (Petrobras)
INERCO successfully concluded the works to optimize the combustion in a process heater at Petrobras’s Landulpho Alves refinery, in Salvador (Brazil). The work performed by INERCO was focused on the installation of the proprietary technology, ABACO, which is already implemented and fully operational in several facilities in Europe, Asia and

INERCO Acústica participates in the development of the strategic noise map of the city of Niš (Serbia)
INERCO Acústica has participated as a key expert in the development of the Strategic Map of the City of Niš, a pioneer experience in the implementation of the CNOSSOS-EU: 2015 method, which also included the latest amendments proposed by ISO/DTR 17534-4 and the National Institute of Public Health and the

The industrial safety spanish technology platform (PESI) honours INERCO with the 2018 award for innovative company in safety
The Industrial Safety Spanish Technological Platform (PESI) has honoured INERCO with the 2018 award for Innovative Company in Safety, awarded last Thursday during the celebration of PESI’s 10th Anniversary and the 2018 S2R Latam Forum Congress. Specifically, this recognition from PESI highlights INERCO’s work in operational reliability and safety, an

Comprehensive cycle in Safety and Prevention in new machinery of an industry in the cardboard sector
INERCO has implemented safety solutions in the work equipment of a production line of an important multinational company in the paper and cardboard sector. Specifically, a comprehensive cycle in workplace risk prevention has been carried out for a new line installed in the factory, with audits for compliance with the

INERCO implements safety audits for machinery during its design and manufacturing processes
INERCO has carried out safety and prevention audits for a new production line acquired by an important multinational company in the paper and corrugated cardboard sector. This work was carried out during the initial off-plan design process and the assembly of the machinery, at the facilities of the manufacturer, a
1. Introduction and Background Industrial regulation, technical standards, design standards and accumulated experience are important guarantees for attaining high levels of safety in the design and engineering of large industrial installations and thereby ensuring operational and business continuity. Nonetheless, despite complying with regulation and design codes, there is no such

370 firefighters from the Consortiums of Huelva, Malaga and Cadiz participate in an pioneering integral training experience led by INERCO Forespro
A total of 370 firefighters belonging to the Provincial Consortiums of Huelva, Malaga and Cadiz have participated over the last three months in a Training Plan led by the team of instructors from INERCO Forespro in eight different disciplines. Specifically, the professionals from these fire brigades have received qualified training