INERCO articles and news about technology

Cost reduction through continuous process monitoring
Continuous monitoring first became a legal requirement with the entry into force of D.S. No. 13/2011 of the Ministry of the Environment, “Establishing emissions standards for thermal power stations”. Subsequently in late 2013, these types of monitoring systems began to be applied in the mining sector, with the publication of the

INERCO presents advanced environmental solutions for the development of wind farms
On 29 September, INERCO held the seminar “Wind farms: Key considerations for social management and environmental assessment”. The event was an opportunity for in-depth discussion of technical solutions to the challenges facing this important sector in Chile. The event, organised by INERCO, was attended by more than 80 professionals from

INERCO’S inernational experience in the oil&gas sector in Latin America
Latin America is one of INERCO’s key destinations. With more than 30 years’ international experience in the fields of engineering, energy technology and consulting in industrial safety, occupational health and safety and the environment, the company’s active presence in Latin America includes not only one-off projects in sectors including oil&gas,

Zero liquid discharge in the circular economy
The concept of circular economy pursues the production of goods and services with a parallel reduction in the use of the necessary resources: raw materials, water and energy. It consists in implementing a new model, closing the products, services, waste, materials, water and energy life cycle to make economic development

INERCO promotes the use and sustainable management of soil and groundwater
INERCO CONSULTORÍA PERÚ IS AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT IN THE LATIN AMERICAN NETWORK FOR THE. PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF. CONTAMINATED SITES – RELASC ReLASC is a regional network initiative sustained and supported by public and private organisations, aiming to foster the production, dissemination and exchange of knowledge about the prevention, management

Vicente Cortés appears as guest expert at the international conference on climate change and carbon capture held in Seville
International energy and environment experts, including INERCO president Vicente Cortés, participated in the International Conference on Contribution of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the fight against climate change, organised by the Chemical and Environmental Engineering department of the Seville Higher Technical School of Engineering. The initiative is promoted by the Ministry

INERCO’S specialised emissions and process characterisation services
INERCO offers specialised services to test the guarantees, start-up and optimisation of industrial equipment and facilities at the level of characterising emissions and parameters related to the process. These make it possible to check contractual guarantees and even to optimise the related process. These checks are essential in ensuring that

INERCO-LED European consortium completes the largest ever international noise monitoring project in Turey
The “Technical Assistance For Implementation Capacity For The Environmental Noise Directive (EuropeAid/131352/D/SER/TR)” project, co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the Government of Turkey, has been completed with absolute success. The project, carried out by a consortium led by INERCO and with the participation of the companies EXTRIUM (United Kingdom),

INERCO receives “Supplier of Excellence” award from the enersis group (Endesa – Chile)
INERCO has been awarded the 2015 ENERSIS Group (ENDESA–Chile) Suppliers award in the category “Excellence as a Service Provider in Large Projects” in recognition of its work to reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency at the Bocamina power station in the commune of Coronel (Region VIII). INERCO is the leading technology company

INERCO’S technological solutions for the treatment of water at landfills and in industry in Colombia
Thirty business representatives from the Colombian landfill, oil, pharmaceuticals and chemicals sectors participated in a conference on “HSE management and water treatment in landfills and industry”, held on 1 March in Bogotá. Colombia’s new legal environment requires measures be taken to comply with the new discharge limits, in line with