INERCO articles and news about technology

Alespri plant using INERCO’S zero liquid discharge technology
THE INTERVENTION WILL ENABLE 60,000 M3 OF WATER TO BE SAVED AT THE SPRAY can FERRULE AND CAP MANUFACTURING PLANT INERCO works in the fields of industrial engineering, advanced emission reduction technology development, energy efficiency, the exploitation of renewable energy sources, noise control and industrial waste water treatment. The company

Adaptation of HSE resources to the new reality os the Colombian oil sector with INERCO
Times are changing in the oil&gas industry, which is undergoing a significant readjustment due to the fall in the price per barrel of crude oil. This situation has brought about the obligation to reduce production costs, the freezing of large strategic projects, and even job losses… But crisis is always

INERCO Perú participating in the recovery os soils contaminated by industrial use
Taking advantage of INERCO’s international skills and experience in the comprehensive management of contaminated soils, INERCO Consultoría Perú has carried out important work for customers in the renewable energy, oil&gas and agro-foods sectors for compliance with Directorial Resolution (RD) 2/2013 and 2/2014 on contaminated soils, which are applicable to companies

Carbon capture against climate change
INERCO PRESIDENT PRESENTS EXPERIENCE IN CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE PROJECTS At its centre in Seville, Menéndez Pelayo International University, in collaboration with the ENDESA Chair of the Seville Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSI), has hosted the “Technology and infrastructure for the European energy challenge” conference. The event was a

INERCO’S participation in Deusto Business School´s conference on innovation in renewable energy
INERCO was an active participant in the event organised by Deusto Business School, “The future of renewable energy as a solution for sustainability”, held in Madrid on 2 and 3 March. The conference brought together experts from the most prestigious public and private bodies in the energy innovation field in
Performance Monitoring and Combustion Optimization Technologies to Reduce Emissions and Enhance Boiler Efficiency
INTRODUCTION Increasingly stringent environmental legislation is requiring the coal power sector to install high-efficiency abatement technologies. In this regard, the South African Air Quality Act 2004 establishes new NOX emission standards to be applied in the period 2015-2020. At the same time, this sector is also required to take into
Technology application at fired heaters and boilers for safer and efficient combustion
ABSTRACT The paper discusses the fundamentals and results achieved by the application of state-of-the-art technology, named ABACO, in refinery fired-heaters and boilers. The improved controls provided by this technology results in increased combustion efficiency, minimum pollutant emissions (CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, particles) and safer operation. This technology relies on the
Minimization of capital and operational costs for DeNOx technologies in new and existing combustion facilities
INTRODUCTION The coal power sector is being challenged by the current industrial and economic climate, characterized by the increasingly stringent environmental legislation and the reduction of natural gas price. Therefore, electric utilities are forced to install high-efficiency abatement technologies to comply with pollutant emission limits while paying special attention to
Paper presented at 2012 Power Plan Air Pollutant control “MEGA” Symposium
ABSTRACT Power sector is currently seeking for the cost-effective minimization of NOx emissions. This demanding challenge has been met by INERCO through a technological approach successfully applied in a European coal-fired power plant, whose scope and results are hereinafter described. Firstly, advanced combustion technologies lead to a maximum intensification of
Advanced Monitoring approach for improving combustion performance and minimizing fuel costs for low NOX and CO Firing Operation
INTRODUCTION Complying with emissions limits imposed by the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) to reduce emissions of SO2 and NOx from US power plants turns out to be one of the most important short-term challenges faced by the Thermal Power Sector. By 2014, the EPA expects that this rule will