INERCO presents advanced tools for the design, operation and safe management of industrial facilities through a global webinar

INERCO hold a webinar on industrial safety, focusing on the advanced tools currently available for the design, operation and safe management of industrial facilities.
This initiative, which brought together more than 300 attendees from the industrial sector of companies from Spain and Latin America, was given by Gabriela Reyes, Head of the Industrial Safety Department of INERCO, who went into detail on the strategy and means to achieve essential objectives in today’s industry, “such as the commitment to process and facility safety, the need to understand risks and hazards or risk management through advanced tools for better facility management”. In this sense, he added, “it is key to identify and assess risks, manage and improve asset reliability and safety, and establish an appropriate Emergency Plan and Business Continuity Plan”.
Juan Santos, Director of INERCO’s Industrial Safety Division, highlighted that safety is integrated into INERCO‘s mission to contribute to sustainable industrial development, applying an integral approach that encompasses process safety, industrial safety, security as well as the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.
In this sense, he called on attendees to participate in the upcoming webinars planned by INERCO‘s Industrial Safety Division, which will address important topics such as the specific tools for Life Cycle Studies at the facilities (Wednesday, June 3), the Keys to effective implementation of the Process Safety Management (PSM) system (Tuesday, June 9), on reliability and maintenance tools for asset management (Thursday, June 25) and the Keys to address the Business Continuity Plan (Tuesday, June 30).