INERCO providing technical services for occupational hygiene on Petrobras platforms and maritime units in Brazil

PETROBRAS has selected INERCO Consultoría Brasil to provide workplace hygiene services at several of its platforms and maritime units. INERCO Consultoría Brasil’s specialised technicians will be responsible for evaluating exposure to noise, heat and chemical agents in offshore (covering 95% of the work) and onshore services, and will also form Uniform Exposure Groups, applying the technique Preliminary Hazard Analysis for Occupational Hygiene (APR-HO, for its Spanish initials).
Occupational Hygiene services will be provided on board PETROBRAS maritime units in Rio de Janeiro (Macaé), São Paulo (Santos), Espirito Santo (Vitória), Bahía (Salvador), Sergipe (Aracajú) and Santa Catarina (Itajaí). On shore services, in turn, will take place in Macaé (Río de Janeiro).
For this work, INERCO Consultoría Brasil’s professionals are certified in the areas of occupational hygiene and trained in working in confined spaces and sea rescue, essential knowledge in the day-to-day work in this sector. The commercial agreement between INERCO Consultoría Brasil and PETROBRAS includes a working period of two years of man hours (working days), split into two groups of two people.
This constitutes new reinforcement of the INERCO Group’s extensive experience in the oil&gas field, where it provides services in plant design, boiler optimisation, health, safety and environment (HSE) consulting, industrial water treatment, acoustic solutions and specialised training for high-risk work for the main firms in the sector in Europe and Latin America.
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