INERCO is about to install Continuous Emission Control technology at Arauco company’s MAP Project site in Chile

INERCO is about to install its continuous emission control technology in the Arauco Plant modernization and expansion project that the company Celulosa Arauco y Constitución is carrying out in Chile.
Specifically, INERCO will be responsible for the design, supply and commissioning of two emission measurement systems (CEMS) for reduced total sulphur (TRS) and oxygen for lime kilns one and two of the project to modernize and expand these industrial facilities.
The implementation of this technology, already installed by INERCO in numerous industrial plants in Europe and America in recent years, will allow Arauco to guarantee compliance with Supreme Decree 37/2013, through the differentiated measurement of exhaust gases from both furnaces, providing the capacity to act on the process itself for the regulation of final emission by chimney.
As acknowledged by Juan Manuel López, INERCO’s General Manager of Technology and Engineering for the Andean and Southern Cone countries, the systems to be supplied “will be completely automated, with high control and quality assurance of the measures reported, based on the implementation of INERCO’s own developed control, acquisition and data processing software”.
In this sense, he highlights INERCO’s innovative commitment in this field of environmental control, “where we not only invest in the R&D&i chapter to offer the most advanced and reliable solutions, but this commitment is also backed by the trust of important companies in the oil&gas, chemical and petrochemical sectors and, as in this case, in the cellulose production sector”.
INERCO develops new tools for the social management of projects in Peru in a webinar
INERCO held a webinar focusing on the new tools for processing social management projects in Peru, a complete discussion with experts from INERCO‘s Social Management and Community Relations Area (RRCC), which has a long history in projects of this type, in view of the conditions set by the COVID-19.
As Melissa Sulca, INERCO’s Director of Social Management, points out, the new times marked by the COVID-19 pandemic also pose a new challenge for social management in projects because “the working methodology must be adapted in the communities (face to face) to the current situation, designing and implementing new tools for the development of work in urban areas, as well as in rural areas, as well as for the implementation of procedures for citizen participation, promoting fair, democratic and appropriate participation that allows for a constant flow of communication with the social actors and interest groups involved”.
In fact, this conditioning factor – urban or rural – is influenced by the new safety distances and protection measures which, as Heydee Arroyo, INERCO’s social specialist, commented during his talk, “need new information channels, both at the level of digital media and a new digital language to convey information coherently and correctly”.
During the webinar, INERCO experts also took a detailed look at the new normality presented for citizen participation, as a right, a duty and a process that must now use other tools for its development, both digital and analogical communication tools “that allow us to obtain the community’s opinion but without the risk of contagion through physical contact”, explained Miguel Llantoy, from INERCO’s Social Management and Community Relations Area (RRCC).
Even more important is the focus of this type of social studies marked in the rural world, “in which effective linkage, participation, social inclusion and sense of belonging continue to be promoted”, says Fiorella Durand, social specialist at INERCO.
In this sense, the pandemic has brought with it “a new time, in which all citizens must live their daily lives with respect for established safety measures”. Likewise, the use of digital supports and platforms “are key tools, but always adhering to the variable of prior training of the user, as well as the digitalization of documents and means of verification to eliminate the use of paper and the use of easily accessible information media, to guarantee that the messages reach people easily”, highlighted Durand.